Here we are again kissing a nother year of our life goodbye and welcoming a new year, the year of 2009. Many things happend during 2008, in all the world, I wish that the next year will be more peacful, and our country will be more secured.
I do not know why I havn't write lately in the blog, maybe I was busy all the time, and I start to use the internet only during the work hours, but I forget about the internet at home. I prefere to spend my time with the family.
I think 2008 was a year of achievements for me, I learnt many things during my work, I learnt that life and experiences make us more strong and more confident. I learnt that without friends life don't cost a thing.
In the year of 2009 I promise my self to keep praying as I did in 2008
To love and respect and to be more kind with all people I love and I trust, my family and fiance.
I know that there are things that I faced during my work made me nervous, but from the first day of 2009 I will never let anything to make me nervous or angry, this is not me, I will not be angry and I will give my self ony five minits to be nervous.
I will calls and ask about friends like I used to do before.
I will not let anything to take me from anything I want to do.
I have plans for the next year, all my life will be changed.
life goes by, and we are growng up, we most create the happiness for our self and love everything we do. Time is running and will never go back...
live your life
be happy
find love
find friends
and just be what you are
and thank God for everything you have....
Happy new year everyone... hoping that 2009 we will find peace in our country..
6 years ago