Tuesday, November 01, 2005

The Body_Le Corps

Learn how to say the parts of the body in French :

les cheveux = hair

la tete = head

le visage = face

un oeil = eye

les yeux = eyes

le nez = nose

la joue = cheek

la bouche = mouth

la levre = lip

la dent = tooth

une oreille = ear

le cou = neck

la poitrine =chest

un estomac = stomach

le bras = arm

une epaule = shoulder

le coude = elbow

le poignet = wrist

la main = hand

le doigt = finger

un ongle = fingernail

le pouce = thumb

le dos = back

la jambe = leg

le genou = knee

la cheville = ankle

le pied = foot

un orteil = toe

Je me suis cassé la jambe - I broke my leg
(literally, I broke the leg of myself).

Il s'est lavé les cheveux - He washed his hair
(literally, He washed the hair of himself).

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